Hack the Box: Book

Tellico Lungrevink
4 min readJul 11, 2020


Book was medium difficulty machine on Hack the Box. Here’s my take on solving the challenge.


TL;DR: There’s a website with a SQL truncating vulnerability which allows to create an admin account. Admin panel has a PDF generation feature with server-side XSS vulnerability. It can be exploited to read local files and gain a key to read user SSH key, and user flag. Privlege escalation is done by a logrotten attack.



Nmap scan shows only one surface of attack: the webserver:

Nmap result

The main page is a login page, with a possibility to register new user:

Book.htb main page

There’s also an admin panel with very similar login form but without registration

Admin login

After creating the account it’s possible to enter the “library” panel.

Library panel

The contact form reveals service administrator’s login: admin@book.htb

Admin login

Admin access

Admin access can be gained by exploiting SQL truncating vulnerability. During registration the database trims logins that are too long. It can be exploited to owerwrite existing account’s password by creating a a login that begins with attacked account’s email and many white spaces followed by any string. I’ll exploit it to gain admin privleges:

Request to overwrite admin password

Now it’s possible to login as admin@book.htb and test123 password:

Admin panel

Local file read

The admin panel contains a Collections tab:


The “Collections” collection can be exported as PDF:

Collection export PDF

Using user access it’s possible to upload a book that’ll be included in the collections report:

Add book form

The PDF generation is vulnerable to XSS. Sending payload like:

will load and run any JavaScript payload I’ll host on my machine. I’ll use it to read server local files:

Now generating collection will result in PDF with /etc/passwd content:

/etc/passwd content

I can see that there’s a user reader in the system. It’s possible to download their SSH key with JS payload:

Key extraction

I’ll extract the key from PDF using pdf2text.py script:

User flag

With the key it’s possible to login to SSH and grab user flag:

User flag


Running linpeas I detect that there’s a writeable log file:

Writable log file

It means machine might be vulnerable to a logrotten attack. I’ll download a logrotten exploit and compile it:

Preparing logrotten exploit

After copying the file to the victim machine I’ll also prepare a simple revshell in payloadfile:

Reverse shell

Now I can run logrotten. When logrotten is running I’ll edit backup from another SSH connection to trigger logrotate and payload:

Triggerring the payload

After a couple of seconds logrotate will start and will allow my exploit to work:

Running the exploit

After another several seconds (not immediately!) the revese shell will be returned. It was really unstable for me, so I only used it to dump root private key:

Root private key

Now I can log in as root and grab the flag:

Root flag

